Cliff Cavern Falls 40x40 Treacherous cliffs can spice up the entrance or rushed exit of any cave system. Stone, Day Stone, Night Stone, Neutral Stone, Day Waterfall Stone, Night Waterfall Stone, Day Lava Stone, Night Lava Stone, Lava Neutral Ice, Day Ice, Night Ice, Neutral Ice, Day Waterfall Ice, Night Waterall Details Map Size 40 x 40 units Map Versions Stone Day, Night, Neutral Stone Waterfall Day & Night Stone Lavafall Day, Night, Neutral Ice Day, Night, Neutral Ice Waterfall Day & Night All maps come with gridded and gridless versions. Where to Find this Map Roll20 Marketplace Patreon - Reality Bender Master Patreon - Reality Bender Apprentice Patreon - Dungeon Delver Patreon - Scout More Like This Water Temple Building, Dungeon Thieves Den Building, City, Dungeon Caves of Miriya – Waterfall Dungeon Skip back to main navigation